Fort Kennedy is a Veteran-focused 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization founded and run by Tina Kennedy, 1SG, US Army (Ret.). At our Day Center, we help Veterans connect with the benefits they earned through service to our country, in addition to providing clothing, food, hygiene items, and other essential services to unhoused and low-income Veterans living in and around Portland, Oregon.
Fort Kennedy employs a team of Veteran Navigation Specialists who meet with each Veteran to assess their individual needs and help them navigate the sometimes confusing world of Veteran Benefits.
Fort Kennedy also works with a number of local agencies and nonprofits so Veterans can access a multitude of benefits and programs under the same roof, all while eating a bowl of hot homemade soup and hanging out in a relaxed environment with their fellow Veterans.
Meet the Fort Kennedy Team by clicking here.
Our Calendar of Veteran Services can be found here.
Regardless of your discharge status or your length of time-served, if you raised your hand for your country, you are welcome at Fort Kennedy.
All you need to do to access Fort Kennedy’s Services is make it to our doors. The first time you come in, we ask that you get here by 2:00 PM at the latest - plan on spending half-an-hour or so with one of our staff members, and then that will still leave time for one of our crew members to grab your meal and any other items you may need.
Bring any proof of your military service you have (VA health card, discharge paperwork, etc.) to help us determine your eligibility for the various programs available for Veterans.
NOTE: If you don’t have any proof of your military service, we will help you obtain them - don’t let that stop you from coming in and getting the process started.
About Fort kennedy
When Tina Kennedy retired after 22 years in the Army, she never expected she’d find her next career in Social Services. However, when she moved back to her hometown of Milwaukie, Oregon, so many of her fellow Vets were struggling to access the help they needed that she felt compelled to act.
Retired First Sergeant Tina Kennedy went to work building a nonprofit from scratch, starting out in 2014 by handing out supplies and advice to approximately 50 homeless Veterans. Since those early days, the need has only grown, and with it, so has Fort Kennedy, leading to our helping over 3,000 Veterans in the last year alone.
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself.
For a list of our current projects, click here.
Our upcoming Volunteer and Fundraising Events can be found here - we’d love to have you join us!
Learn More about our organization, our mission, our methods, and our results.
Fort kennedy Business information
We are open Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
We are located at 7600 SE Johnson Creek Boulevard, Portland, OR 97206.
We are located on the Second Floor of the old United Pipe building. We’re about two blocks from the Fred Meyer on 82nd. Take the driveway to the back of the building and follow our signs to the entrances. Elevator access is through the glass doors and to the left, stairwell access is through the gray door.