Our Mission
Our goal is to enable all Veterans to move forward in their lives after military service. We strive to connect Veterans facing homelessness with transitional housing and/or shelter. We work to ensure all Veterans receive support through employment, counseling, and help with well-deserved benefits. By working with all Veteran agencies in the community, we will help to provide a much-needed hand up, not a handout, for our homeless Veterans.
Services Available
Fort Kennedy approaches each Veteran as an individual. We work with the Veteran to craft an action plan to best suit their circumstances, utilizing many of the services listed below.
AA Meetings
Baby Closet
Clothing Closet
Emergency Food Supplies
Employment Assistance
Haircuts and Shaves
Hot Meals
Housing Assistance
Laundry Services
Pet Food and Supplies
“I have come to realize that I spent the last 22 years of my life preserving the life and well being of my Soldiers all over the world. The Veterans right here in my home are having an even bigger challenge. ”
2023 Year In Review
This past year, we helped over 3,000 Veterans and their families with a hand-up, not a handout. We proudly assisted our clients with the following:
Onsite Meals Provided: 1743 times
Clothing Provided: 1333 times
Vets Came In for Socializing: 680 times
Helped Veterans with Housing Benefits: 469 times
Laundry Services Provided: 206 times
Emergency Pet Food Provided: 188 times
Helped Veterans Connect with a Veteran Service Officer (V.S.O.): 156 times
Every year, we deliver Thanksgiving dinners to our veteran families in need.
2023 Thanksgiving dinners delivered: 109; Feeding 320+ People
Every year in December, we deliver fully-stocked, waterproof hiking backpacks to Veterans living on the street to help them prepare for the winter ahead.
2023 Backpacks delivered: 40
Every year, we deliver Christmas dinners and presents to low-income Veterans who need help providing gifts for their families.
2023 Veteran families adopted for Christmas: 65; Wrapping and delivering personalized gifts to more than 250 individuals.
Every year stockings are delivered to Veterans in homeless shelters throughout the Portland metro area.
2023 Stockings delivered: 235